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Nokohashi ~nokoso's hookahashi~.png

We will introduce the "Kobashi of" internal newsletter that is issued by the cleaning company nokoso.

An intern student of a university student publishes an in-house newsletter, thinking "I want to improve the ventilation of the company!"

The title "Kohashi" was given with the hope that this in-house newsletter would serve as a bridge for people working at nokoso.

Nokohashi No. 1 March 2019.png
Nokohashi No. 2 April 2019.png
Nokohashi No. 3 May 2019.png
Nokohashi No. 4 June 2019.png
Nokohashi No. 5 July 2019.png
Nokohashi No. 6 August 2019.png
Nokohashi No. 7 September 2019.png
Nokohashi No. 8 October 2019.png
Nokohashi No. 9 November 2019.png
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